daily journals

Online Class

It has been a year since the pandemic of Covid-19 hits the world. The pandemic has affected many people in many sectors, including the education system. Ever since then, lecturers are working from home and lectures are conducted online. Last semester was a very challenging situation for me as I was assigned to teach a computer lab session. This course was supposed to be more focused on a hands-on task. After I assigned the student with tasks, I usually take some time to entertain them, one by one, to assist them if they have any difficulties. Yup, that’s the challenge. The online class has put a limit on me from doing it properly.

To make up for that, I put some effort into preparing a tutorial on Youtube as additional notes and references. You can check out the tutorial below:

daily journals

Welcome 2021

Alhamdulillah, it is the end of the year, and 2021 is just around the corner. Last year, one of my 2020 resolutions was to do a Bullet Journaling (BUJO) for the rest of the year. However, I did not manage to do it consistently. Somehow, it ended up as just a simple to-do list. Therefore, for this upcoming 2021, I will try to be more serious in doing the BUJO. This time around, I will pick some of the important sections only. As for the daily task, I will be using a diary Planner because it is easier in case I don’t have much time to design.

Both BUJO & the Diary Planner 2021 are tasks and habits for a monitoring system. They will help you to stick to your goals and manage your time better and wisely. I am determined to do it every night before sleep, do a self-reflection and prepare a to-do list for the next day to make it more productive.

The planner I bought is from Instagram: @plannerbyaqisbi

My review of the planner:

daily journals

The Vlog

Hi! ^^ Today I managed to create my very first Vlog as content for my Youtube channel. I used my A7 Oppo phone to record the video. Hahaha! Unfortunately, some of my recordings were in portrait position and sadly, I can’t include those videos in the Vlog.

Being said that, only a few videos that were recorded in landscape mode can be used and included in it. As for the editing, I used Openshot Software just because it is an Open Source Video Editor. Previously, I used Sony Vegas Video Editor, which was more user-friendly.

Here it is! Please enjoy my 1st Vlog ever, and oh yes! ^^ Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel for more exciting content. I’m also planning to share my online learning material on my channel so you can check it out.

Check out Nuur Alifah Vlog 🙂

Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel, Nuur Alifah Roslan!