daily journals teaching & students

Teaching Tools

Hai! It’s been a long time I am not updating any post. Basically, I am juggling many things recently. This week is the first week of a new Semester. It’s a challenge since I have to apply to the hybrid classroom. Last semester the class was totally conducted online. I still can manage it because we have online one audience to entertain- the online audience.

Here, I am sharing some aid tools for teaching. Hopefully, it may help me engage with my students and make the class more fun and interesting!


Habits of Highly Effective Academics

Action to be taken:

Set out personal GOALS as an academic clearly and align them with organization goals/vision.

Find a MENTOR or have a model for reference and emulation

MANAGE and execute our tasks based on importance and piority Example to-do-list

Be an ALL-ROUNDER academics-fill in all the bins/baskets

Have clear STRATEGIES and processes to meet goals

MIX with right peers and crowd

Keep progressing, move FOWARD, no matter how small

Make DECISIONS and follow-through