MM Week plays such an important role to supplement the curriculum, so much so, that even during the pandemic, it was still conducted. For the past 2 years, it was conducted fully online. Even though we could not meet face to face, the online MM Week managed to gather students and professionals together remotely. Alhamdulillah, the feedback that we received from the students and industry panels has always been encouraging, be it online or face-to- face. Year after year, I am a proud witness the growth and maturity of our students’ work, which was further validated by the industry panels and juries through their feedback to us.
For Multimedia Week 2023, we will see some showcases from a few of the selected courses that we offer this semester, namely
- SKM3001 Multimedia Technology
- SKM4200 Computer Animation
- SKM4215 Creative Design Elements
- SKM3203 Computer Game Analysis and Design
- SKM4313 Virtual Reality Application, and
- SKM4400 Multimedia Project Management
The showcase sessions are open to all, so please, gather your friends, and family around to see the fruits of your hard work and perseverance throughout the semester.
For this Multimedia Week 2023 also, we are proud to have our alumni, for the first time ever, to join us and share their working experiences with us in a forum session entitled “A Degree in Computer Science (Multimedia): The Next Destination?”
The title was specially curated for our Multimedia students, as many of you are wondering career-wise what the job spec includes. We will hear from the alumni, their journey to become who they are today.
Another exciting event that we have planned for this year’s MM Week is the “Virtual Reality Game Competition”. Under the sub-committee lead by AP Dr. Puteri, we will have several rooms set up with Oculus Quest 2 headset,