
PPRN2.0 Zon Tengah

Public-Private Research Network 2.0 merupakan program yang memberi hubungan jaringan industri para akademia. Taklimat yang diberikan dalam program ini sedikit sebanyak memberikan pendedahan umum kepada para penyelidik akademia tentang ruang dan peluang yang ada untuk memberi impak dalam penyelidikan dengan melihat masalah yang ada dalam industri. Berikut saya kongsikan sama input yang sempat saya garap sepanjang taklimat yang berlangsung.

Sesi 1: Taklimat PPRN 2.0

by: Dr Wan Nor Aishah Wan Omar

“Sharing knowledge, innovate solution” for Malaysia, by Malaysian In Malaysia

Tema menjana semula ekonomi dalam RMK 12. Mempercepat penerimaan teknologi dan inovasi.

Memerlukan kolaborasi akademia dan industri dengan melihat masalah inovasi yang bermula dengan industri.


  1. memperkasa hubungan jaringan awam dan swasta melalui penyelesaian industri
  2. Tingkat produktiviti melalui inovasi teknologi
  3. Penyelidik menyediakan penyelesaian masalah dalam industri

Jenis Inovasi:

Produk (hasil kajian)& Proses (cth: manual kepada automasi/digital)

Syarikat berpotensi/berdaya saing.

  • Jualan rm100k/year
  • Laporan akaun beraudit
  • Kanvas model perniagaan
  • Memiliki premis perniagaan
  • Ada fasiliti untuk pengeluaran produk

Berdaya saing bermaksud selepas tamat grant projek tersebut, syarikat masih mampu bergerak sendiri dan menunjukan impak hasil selepas projek secara berterusan dan stabil.

kriteria pembangun projek

Borang lengkaptak lebih 12 bulanjelas berasaskan sains Dan teknologi

Tiada Dan lain, projek yang lain, dibanhunkan di Malaysia Dan tiada konflik interest. Jika ada jawatankuasa etika perlu sertakan.

Kos Pembangunan Projek adalah antara KPT dan syarikat juga. Boleh rujuk dokumen tambahan nanti. Pembelanjaan perlu mengikut kos yg ditetapkan.

Aware tatacara permohonan PPRN (rujuk laman sesawang:

Sesi 2: Benefits of Collaborations In R, D, C&I:
Best Practices

  • Innovation/renovation framework perlu jelas. Lagi bagus ada pliminary study
  • milestone perlu buat preparation teliti.

Sesi 3: Tajuk Forum: Kolaborasi Strategik Akademia –
Industri Ke Arah Menjayakan Lonjakan Ekosistem
Pengkomersialan Inovasi

Masa yang singkat-perlu ada impak.

Cth: Arfa batik
Masalah : Tiada skill worker Dan tak ramai anak muda berminat dgn tulisan tangan
Solusi : Ink batik yang ada, nano science kan. Digitalkan lukisan batik.
Impak : Berjaya gunakan ink untuk printer batik. Juga dijual. Modified ink sedia ada, ink dah ada dalam market sedia lama. Senang untuk bekerjasama.
Transfer knowledge dan impak kepada seluruh industri batik

Cth: Fawster motorsports
Masalah: suspension kereta
Solusi: Software bantu pekerja check suspension dgn lebih teliti.
Impak : Sudah established network lebih awal dengan industri. Digital twin, real world data. Fawster sebagai satu ekosysystem dalam industri automotif.

Sesi 4: Tips on How Academia Can Solve Industry
Problems through Innovations

Solution provider: new innovation
Beyond problem solver. Potensi boleh lihat pada contoh ekosistem MOHE

Fundamental research that are impactful to society and sustainability

Research paper is output – outcome need to proof by impact

Cth: Smart Solid Waste Management System nama: Jejak

  • integrated
  • Cloud Based
  • Real-time
  • AI driven
    After PPRN tak stop sini, so approach other company and comercialize other

Long term partnership

Sesi 5: Taklimat Tatakelola Sistem PPRN (UTM)

Disarankan penyelidik sudah dapat persefahaman dengan syarikat sebelum membuat pendaftaran. Masuk ke sistem:

  1. Perlu daftar akaun.
  2. Syarikat dan industri perlu isi profile syarikat untuk disahkan supaya penyelidik dapat sahkan draft proposal
  3. Tab menu syarikat- jika syarikat tidak lengkapkan profil, ia tiada dalam menu pilihan untuk penyelidik pilih. Jika sudah isi- boleh pilih dan pastikan status added dan invite syarikat- syarikat akan terima jemputan untuk accept- kemudian nnt status akan tukar kepada status syarikat bertukar kepada invited.
  4. Selepas selesai draft proposal- peringkat deklarasi – endorsement dari syarikat. Syarikat perlu disemak bersama oleh syarikat. akan ke peringkat internal evaluation (saringan pertama)
  5. Saringan pertama: Evaluater cadangan evaluater
  6. Penialain pra saraingan- semak lampiran dokumen yg dah attach – akan ada sanringan semula –
  7. Penilaian pembentangan- proposal dinilai secara keseluruhan.
  8. Selepas berjaya saringan- proses penganugerahan geran
  9. Sistem akan generate surat tawaran
  10. Fasa pemantauan- report akan disediakan olehpenyelidik dan disahkan oleh syarikat -perubahan team dan extension projek boleh dibuat pada proses ini (akan diluluskan oleh pihak PPRN)

Sesi 6:Perkongsian Syarikat PPRN 2.0Malaysia)

Perkongsian: EBN -Bio Peptide Suppliments (Nanyang Dreams Sdn Bhd & UiTM)

Total : 103k – 70% PPRN, 30% Nanyang

Duration: 28 Okt- 28 Jan 2023 -Extended 3 mnth

Mula dengan traditional bird nest product

Cabaran: Perlu sediakan secara traditional, masak dan bersihkan

Nanyang: sudah botolkan, tapi teknologi elemen kurang walau sudah dimasak. Tiada team research dan dana

Solusi – menggunakan stabilized Electrolux water untuk hasilkan birdnest yang berkualiti

Small scale freezed dried product- dapat sambutan

Patent Search – PENCIPTA-Video Shooting for thr product-HQ grand opening’s MOA – Training

One of the big Achievement : Research Assistat under PPRN projek ini diserap jadi executive RND

Demand of health product (non alcohol) high demand

Sesi 7: Pengalaman Kejayaan Akademia-Industri,
Putra Science Park, UPM

Pioneer commercialization in UPM

Komuniti-end user- industri who will be the one give solution to komuniti

need the engagement between industri and researher

Manage IP- Commercialize the IP- Promote the IP

PSP Channelkan IP yang berpotensi untuk komersil kepada potential Industries – Engagement Proses

Innohub Program – Start Up Company

  • Trained researcher to be CEO of company
  • To bring forward the product
  • Bukan buka company sahaja – have to know the market
  • Mentorship by captain of the industries

Sesi 8: Pengurangan Cukai: Kaedah Memohon

Syarikat industri yang berkenaan boleh mohon inititive DTD

Kriteria Double Tax Dedection Initiative

  • Research activities funding
  • Direct benefits to core business
  • Science & Technology



On 22 November and 23 November I am handling a WordPress Website development workshop. It was a request from SMK King George V, Seremban. Then, the participant is a primary school students and they are in Form 2 (Year 2). Their aim is to prepare the website for F1 in Schools competition. The website will be a platform to attract any of investor to invest, sponsors or collaborate with their team.

The two days session compacted in 3 Module ;starting with the basic setup of website and WordPress then they hands-on in designing the website step by step. This is my first experience conducting the website workshop face to face and using a free plugin in the design.

I am ambitious to re module this workshop and open the participation to public as well.

You may review their work through the following links:

The student website (Click to visit)



Time management is a crucial as a student to master it. The time goes by as a blink of eyes, the assignment, project and exercises keep in coming in the to do list- where none of it being strike off yet. The due date make you more pressure. Besides, you also have to jingling the studies with the curricular activities where also will affect the portion of your time. Things become worst when you intend to procrastinate or distract with social media or games while handling a lot of things in your plate. In the end, you became less focus.

A strory to share, when I was pursuing my doctorate studies a few years ago, I struggled with time management issues. It’s difficult to balance work and study. It’s different from my life on campus as a student; even though I’m involved in many programs as a top committee member, I can still manage my time well. When I reflect, it is because during my studies on campus, we did not get too distracted by gadgets and social media. During my bachelor when it is early year 2000, the social media not yet hype as now. The most distract is a computer game and Movie marathon CD’s.

I confess, the social media did effect my productivity and focus. They unintentionally stole my time. Trying to help myself, I start to searching for the solution in how to become more productive and manage my 24 hours a day effectively and keep the motivation and focus. Surprisingly, the solution to my procrastination problem and completing my work on time and happily involves a tomato and taking more.

Start your task, and then set the timer for 25 minutes. I use my phone instead of a tomato timer. breaks. In an effort to control my distractions and prevent both procrastination with a goldfish attention span and all-night study burnout, I discovered The Pomodoro Technique. This time management method, created in the 1980s by Francesco Cirillo, takes its name from the typical tomato-shaped kitchen timer.

The theory behind the system is that by breaking up your work and breaks into regular, brief intervals, you can prevent feeling overburdened by an impending task and also prevent burnout. Basics are as follows:

  1. Start your task, and then set the timer for 25 minutes. I use my phone instead of a tomato timer.
  2. If a diversion occurs, note it down on paper before getting back to your task.
  3. Put a check mark on your paper when the buzzer goes off. You have finished one increment (also known as a pomodoro).
  4. Allow yourself a five-minute break. You can check your thoughts for distractions, stretch, grab a cup of tea, and so on.
  5. Take a thirty-minute break after four pomodoros.
  6. Repeat!

Try it if you want to learn more about time management and how long a task will take to complete, as well as breaking down your workday into manageable tomato-sized bites. All the best!

I inspired by this sharing. In pandemic Covid, I usually search for “study with me” in Youtube. From the searching, I found this sharing. Have a look! ^^
sharing teaching & students

what is POMI?

When I brief my colleagues on POMI in a simple word, most of them will take it as a very “common” approach. Some of them claimed, “Yeah, we implement it in our class.”

“Stop a while and asking and answering question, we did it in our class”

“Ahaaa.. we did it, but we did not ‘brand it’ as like this approach “

I just smiled and nodded. Okay, it’s good because it is not something new, and hopefully we keep it that way so that our students do not “sleep,” burn out, or feel bored through our lectures.

What the difference my POMI with the common approach that they are mentioned?

  • It is well planned and structured for each lecture week
  • No lengthy-lectures – It is packed and solid deliverable
  • Creative Class Activities
  • Student are encourage to answer questions (I am using the Wheel of Names website to pick specific student)
  • A LOTs of questions and exercises

Before we go any further, let us have a brief introduction to POMI.

POM + I = = Pomodoro + Interactive

As I mentioned in my previous posting, POMI is inspired by a task management. The Pomodoro Technique chunks the time into 25 minutes of doing a task and a 5-minute break. Therefore, I am implementing this approach in my teaching and planning my lecture.

As students, we used to experience a lengthy, nonstop lecture for two hours. There is a time break; however, non-participating students make the class too boring, and the lack of class activity makes us feel like it is too much to absorb. Furthermore, particularly when the lecture notes are uninteresting and the lecturer simply reads the slides until the end of the class. Some lectures have a class activity, but only in the early weeks; from the middle of lecture week until the end, most of the class starts getting bored.

When I am a lecturer, I am experiencing the moment of the lecture where I intend to rush-finish the slides and skip activities and questions because they will consume time. When we conduct a lecture, we call out students to volunteer to answer questions, but there is no response. At the end, we give the answer. The interaction totally failed because we ran out of time to finish the slides for the week.

Reflecting from both points of view, I believe that a well structured teaching approach is needed. The learning outcomes have to be achieved through the topic outcomes, not just by finishing the slides. Besides, a lot of exercises and discussion through the answer help a lot with student understanding.

The e-learning tools help much in designing a fun learning class activity, and they are freely accessible in our LMS (Learning Management System), Putra Blast. A creative class activity makes the POMI learning environment more fun and interactive. Students are more engaged and actively participate, sharing their thoughts.

Therefore, POMI is not as simple as taking a break and lecturing. It is a well-structured framework, a well-planned activity and a well-designed teaching approach that can be customized to any learning outcome and course.

The following is a short presentation details out POMI approach:

Copy of POMI: A Time blocking & Interactive teaching approach by Nuur Alifah Roslan
events teaching & students

PiCTL 2022

Since 2018, the Centre for Academic Development (CADe) UPM has organised the Putra InnoCreative Carnival in Teaching and Learning (PicTL), an international competition on teaching and learning. The programme aims to foster an innovative and creative culture of teaching and learning among educators and students.

This year’s i-PicTL theme is “Innovation Beyond Limits,” with the goal of promoting the growth and advancement of quality teaching and learning innovations. i-PicTL2022 aims to celebrate and showcase exciting achievements in teaching and learning innovations among educators, researchers, policymakers, students, and the general public. A variety of programs are planned to enrich our participants’ experiences, including keynote speeches, web talks, workshops, awards, and a poster competition.

After a year of experimenting with the best teaching practices, I am challenging myself to participate in i-PicTL2022. The innovation is called POMI (click to view the presentation). I am inspired by the POMODORO task management technique and motivated by my student testimonials. Alhamdulillah, I received a silver medal for my innovation. I’m overjoyed and grateful, and I’m aiming for a gold medal for my next teaching and learning innovation.

One of my graduated student yearn our Multimedia class 🙂
Virtual Background for i-PicTL 2022
Gather Town~ i-PicTL2022 Poster Presentation

research stuff

2022 Publication

Alhamdulillah, my journal paper accepted. Tittle “Systematic Literature Review and Analysis for Arabic Text Steganography Method Practically ” . Hopefully this journal manuscripts benefits researcher especially who is interested into Arabic Text Steganography (ATS). Feel free to cite our works. Thank you to my co-authors for the supportive, materials and encouragement till the work is published.

daily journals sharing teaching & students

A year as Academician

Alhamdulillah, 15 June 22 marked as a year experience as an academician. Being an academician in a international reputative research university is very challenging. Besides teaching in innovative way, we have to contribute in research and engage with the community by knowledge transferring and also have a wide network with the industries. Jingling all those responsible is very tough however, I am always accept it as a challenge for me to keep growing in my career.

I am experiencing two semester of teaching. In 2021, the semester is conducted fully online. I am searching many materials related to improve the way of teaching and interact with the online environment. 2022, our country started the endemic phase for Covid 19 and we have a hybrid classroom session during the semester. Most of our local students are compulsory to attend the face to face class, meanwhile the international students were remotely join the lecture hybrid (online).

Therefore, I am experimenting the best way of teaching in hybrid classroom. It was very challenging, since there are two audience in different environment to entertain. Through the first experience conducting the online class, I came with my innovation in teaching which is call POMI.

The following is a part of POMI class activity which my chosen pedagogy used in teaching is an active learning. More about POMI will be shared in my next posting ^^

Active learning class activity, role play

Interactive Lecturing. The face to face and online student are interact with the quick quiz question via shared link in Google Slide during the learning session.


IEEE e-Webinar: Heart Signal for Biometric Recognition

Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khairul Azami Bin SidekAssociate Professor, Kulliyyah of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia

Date: 23 July 2022 (Saturday)

Time : 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (Malaysia time)

Platform: Zoom


Data Science & Machine Learning-A (Quick) Introduction to the Course

Webinar by Prof. Philippe Rigollet

The goal of data science is to turn data into information, and information into insight. Through the various data in our new era of BIG DATA the data science helps you to increase revenue, provide insight, improve operations, open markets, process information, optimize cost, and many more. Through the amount of data, the user’s behavior can be defined as well.

Methods deep learning, clustering all the data science ecosystem. Many of the methods achieve the same pipeline. The following are some of the categories that we can make:

  1. Making sense of unstructured data | Clustering – PCA
    Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  • Tool for dimension reduction
  • Useful to visualize data (in dimension at most 3)
  • Gain insight and select important variables
  • very efficient algorithmically
  • implemented in all statistical software
    Example of dimension reduction technique
  • ISOmap, Sammon mapping, Locally linear embedding, and t-SNE
    Example Netflix Data
    infinite collection in data set, rated by million users. When we use the dimension reduction, we can see the cluster for each movie.
  1. Prediction to decisions | Classification | Deep Learning – Lasso
    Using the prediction formula. Where get those data? predict from the data using Regression -Linear regression or nonlinear regression.

Cookies collect the metadata. can be used also to predict
Use the Automatic variable selection using the lesson algorithm
However, sometimes the reality of the data does not give us a clean cut to predict. Then, here where we use Deep Learning to find representation where things are nicer.

So deep learning will learn the data and it needs much more data. Delicate to fit and good for images/speech.

  1. From data to decisions | Causal inference – Graphical models, A/B Testing

How to make a precise decision?
turn into a graphical model, where each node is a movie and relates
to each other. Connection of each node learned by the data.

“Imitate the superficial exterior of a process or system without having any understanding of the underlying substance” – Cargo Cult

daily journals teaching & students

Teaching Tools

Hai! It’s been a long time I am not updating any post. Basically, I am juggling many things recently. This week is the first week of a new Semester. It’s a challenge since I have to apply to the hybrid classroom. Last semester the class was totally conducted online. I still can manage it because we have online one audience to entertain- the online audience.

Here, I am sharing some aid tools for teaching. Hopefully, it may help me engage with my students and make the class more fun and interesting!