Selamat petang, saya singgah disini selepas seharian bergelumang dengan pelbagai tugasan yang bertimpa-timpa. Ambil sedikit ruang masa rehat untuk berkongsi berkenaan THE BIG WHY saya pilih laluan kerjaya sebagai Akademia.
Mengapa kita perlukan THE BIG WHY? sebab, dari sinilah kita akan susun dan usahakan kesungguhan kita untuk capai matlamat akhir. Agak clishe~ tapi begitulah kaedahnya.
Apa yang paling penting ialah kenali potensi sendiri dan tanya dalam diri apa yang anda inginkan diakhir pengajian? (Disini saya rujuk kepada para pembaca saya yang merupakan “pelajar” ya 🙂 )
Saya kongsikan pengalaman. Semasa di Tahun 1 di universiti lagi, saya telah terinspirasi oleh susuk-susuk hebat pensyarah saya. Kagum dengan ilmu yang mereka ada dan pemahaman mereka. Kaedah penyampaian yang pelbagai dan bukan secara tradisional buatkan saya lebih cepat belajar dan suka berkongsi dan mengajar untuk diri sendiri faham. Begitulah mereka memberi inspirasi kepada saya untuk memilih bidang akademik.
Melihat fleksibiliti masa seorang pensyarah menambahkan lagi minat saya untuk pilih bidang akademia berbanding terlibat dengan industri. Seterusnya, yang paling utama ialah “dendam” saya kerana “tidak puas belajar”. Sistem pendidikan yang terikat dengan Test 1- Test 2-Final Exam secara tak lagusng buat saya rasa saya belajar untuk lulus cemerlang peperiksaan dan dapat pointer terbaik setiap semester. Masa yang suntuk untuk hadam lebih mendalam buat saya rasa tidak puas belajar sesuatu subjek itu.
Lantas saya tekad. Akhir pengajian saya, saya akan bekerjaya sebagai salah seorang Akademia. Lantas apa perlu buat? Susun perancangan. Saya sambung ke peringkat Sarjana dengan penyelidikan dan terus sambung ke peringkat doktoral. Saya mendapat kepuasan dalam bidang penyelidikan di peringkat Sarjana. Hinggakan penyelia saya ketika itu berkata, kita sudah capai semua objektif. Sudah sampai masa letak titik noktah.
Sebagai Akademia sudah pasti mewajibkan menyambung pengajian hingga ke peringkat doktoral. Tahap terakhir dan tertinggi dalam bidang akademik. bagi melayakkan saya bekerjaya sebagai seorang pensyarah di Universiti Awam.
Ternyata, semakin dalam kita cuba mengkaji sesuatu ilmu itu semakin dahaga jadinya. Namun, kerana didalam portfolio akademia itu sendiri ada elemen penyelidikan, maka ia menjadi sesuatu yang sangat saya suka walau saya tak nafikan ada kesukaran. Banyak kesukaran yang dilalui terutama kesukaran bila kita tidak tahu untuk selesaikan sesuati permasalahan dalam penyelidikan kita. Tapi, disinilah kita akan belajar.
Bagi portfolio Pengajaran~ kisah ini dan pengalaman ini ada berkaitan dengan sesuatu yang lebih menarik untuk saya kongsi di hantaran yang lain ya.
Kesimpulanya, saya ingin sekali lagi tekankan betapa perlunya ada THE BIG WHY itu.
Tetapkan hala tuju diri anda sekarang. Imiginasikan 10 tahun akan datang anda adalah siapa dan anda bagaimana.
For young scholars embarking on their research journey, building impact is not only about publishing groundbreaking findings but also ensuring that the knowledge gained from your work resonates with a wider audience, translates into actionable outcomes, and contributes to meaningful change. Here’s how you can empower yourself and others to maximize the impact of your research through six essential tips:
Tip 1: Be a Visionary – Begin with the End in Mind
In the fast-paced world of research, it’s easy to get caught up in the details and lose sight of the bigger picture. To create impact, start by envisioning the end. Ask yourself: What will success look like for your research? Having a clear goal from the beginning helps you stay focused and motivated.
Finding the balance between passion and strategy is crucial. While passion drives the pursuit of knowledge, strategy ensures that the research is purposeful and aligns with broader societal needs. Balance your zeal for discovery with a well-defined plan for application.
Tip 2: Move Beyond the Article – Communicating Your Research to New Audiences
Research impact extends far beyond academic journals. To reach new audiences and make your findings more accessible, you need to explore various mediums to share your work.
Blogs allow you to break down complex ideas into engaging, digestible content for a broader audience. Write short, engaging articles that simplify your research while retaining its essence.
Professional magazines enable you to tailor your research findings for industry-specific readers, ensuring your work reaches practitioners and decision-makers.
Podcasts offer an informal platform to discuss your research, fostering conversations with experts, stakeholders, and even the general public.
Being innovative is key. Work collaboratively to determine the best ways to disseminate knowledge, such as establishing data-driven decision systems to track the effectiveness of research knowledge. Use dashboards or KPIs to measure the impact and adjust accordingly.
Leverage digital platforms like webinars, online courses, and interactive workshops to facilitate knowledge-sharing and collaboration. These platforms offer scalable, adaptable ways to communicate findings across industries or regions.
Tip 3: Plan, Plan, Plan for Impact
A clear roadmap is essential for creating impact. Start by asking yourself: What do you want to do with the knowledge from your research? Do you aim to change policy, influence behavior, develop new products or technologies, or simply advance scientific knowledge? Defining these goals early will guide your actions and help you design strategies to reach your intended audience.
Proper planning ensures that your research is not just confined to the lab or academic community but is translated into practical, real-world applications. Align your impact goals with the broader implications of your work to ensure lasting influence.
Tip 4: Make Some New Friends – Build and Maintain Research Partnerships
Building impact requires collaboration, and that means forging strong relationships with key stakeholders. Research is more impactful when it’s relevant and actionable for those who can benefit from it the most.
Establish partnerships that align your research with the needs of stakeholders, ensuring that it addresses both short-term and long-term priorities. Relationships should evolve as your research progresses and as the needs of your stakeholders change. Maintaining continuous communication and collaboration helps to sustain trust, creating partnerships that are mutually beneficial and sustainable over time.
Tip 5: Use Your Institution’s Expertise
Many institutions have dedicated staff or departments focused on research impact. These professionals are invaluable when it comes to navigating the often-complex pathways to translating research into practical, real-world applications.
Leverage the expertise of your research office or other internal resources to develop efficient and effective impact strategies. These experts can offer guidance on everything from scaling processes to refining knowledge translation mechanisms.
Tip 6: Create Feedback Loops
To ensure long-term impact, it’s important to continually refine your processes. Establish feedback loops that allow you to gather insights from evaluations and apply them to your knowledge implementation strategies.
Measuring short-term impact is crucial in understanding if your strategies are effective. Regularly assess the immediate effects of your work and use data-driven decisions to enhance your approach. These iterative adjustments will help you stay aligned with your objectives and improve the overall impact of your research over time.
By embracing these six tips, young scholars can move beyond simply conducting research and start building a lasting impact. Whether through innovative communication methods, strong partnerships, or leveraging institutional expertise, the key to empowerment lies in being proactive, strategic, and adaptive.
This article are written based on the input I gained from the online Webinar: Building Impact for Research: Empowering Young Scholars by Professor Ian Phau.
Speaker information: Ian Phau is John Curtin Distinguished Professor at School of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law. He is also the Director of the Luxury Branding Research Cluster. He continues to maintain a high calibre profile in a wide range of industry sectors, where his extensive industry and research expertise have led to much success. Recent portfolios include LVMH, Shiseido, Prada and IWC. His publications appear in the Journal of Business Research, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Brand Management and Psychology and Marketing, Tourism Management, amongst others. He is the current Editor-in-Chief for the Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (Emerald). In recognition of Professor Phau’s continued commitment to innovative and progressive teaching, he has received several accolades during his teaching career such as Excellence in Teaching Award, Supervisor of the Year Award, Curtin Excellence and Innovation in Teaching Award and to top it all, the prestigious national ALTC excellence in teaching award.
“Perpustakaan” salah satu tempat istimewa untuk saya. Ia memiliki nilai sentimental yang tinggi dalam sepanjang tangga kehidupan saya. Sewaktu kecil, ayah ibu tidak terlepas peluang bawa saya dan arwah abang ke Perpustakaan Negara tiap kali cuti sekolah. Dari hanya terlimitasi diruang kanak-kanak hingga saya berusia 13 tahun, dibenarkan untuk naik ke ruang pembacaan dewasa.
Satu masa dahulu, Perpustakaan Negara menggunakan sistem kad ahli yang perlu diperbaharui secara tahunan. Kad tersebut membolehkan akses ke bangunan utama dan ke semua tingkat bangunan utama perpustakaan. Selain daripada itu, ia membolehkan kita meminjam buku bacaan umum. Jika tertinggal kad perpustakaan , memang tak dapat masuklah jawabnya.
Sewaktu sekolah menengah, saya kerap datang ke sini selepas habis sesi pagi kelas tambahan. Naik bas, jalan sedikit lebih kurang 500 meter dan akan ulangkaji hingga lewat petang jam 5. Kebiasaannya saya akan tempah Bilik Karel. Ia merupakan bilik tertutup yang agak privasi. Di sini, saya dapat lebih fokus berbanding di ruang-ruang umum yang agak terbuka.
Suasana perpustakaan negara sangat meriah pada zaman saya. Hujung minggu sentiasa ramai. Berbagai lapisan umur dan bukan hanya terhad pada pelajar sekolah sahaja. Tambahan lagi, lokasinya yang terletak tidak jauh dari Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, kampus Jalan Semarak membuatkan ramai siswa-siswi yang datang membuat ulangkaji mahupun kajian penyelidikan. Saya tak terlepas juga menjadi responden mereka yang ketika itu, soalan survei diedarkan secara fizikal dan kemudian akan dapat goodies seperti pensil sebagai token penghargaan menjawab soalan survei.
Berbagai tempat diperpustakaan yang saya explore ada bilik interaksi media, ada sebuah machine monogram yang mana kita boleh gunakan untuk me’review’ bahan surat khabar yang terbitannya kurang dari tahun 1990 an. Saya gunakan bahan tersubut untuk portfolio SPM saya sengan memasukkan bahan-bahan “sebenar” dari bacaaan yang saya dapat sebagai “bukti” dan penjelasan dari sudut pandang yang lain. Sangat menarik.
Semasa inilah saya rasakan sangat teruja untuk explore bahan bacaan dan ilmu secara umumnya. The curiosity was sparks!
Kisah nakal saya dan arwah abang juga berlaku diperpustakaan negara. Kami pernah “ponteng sekolah” dan ke Perpustakaan Negara. So Nerd! Waktu itu saya berasa di tingkatan 1 manakala arwah di tingkatan 2. Kami ponteng kerana minggu tersebut merupakan minggu terakhir sebelum cuti sekolah dan selepasa tamat peperiksaan akhir tahun. Kerana bosan, kami culas untuk ikuti aktiviti yang disediakan sekolah (gotong-royong), maka pandai-pandai pula cari jalan fly ke Perpustakaan Negara.
Cuak juga ketika itu dengan berpakaian sekolah, kami “lepak” di sana hingga jam 5 petang dan kemudian naik bas balik semula ke rumah. Perasaan seronok berbaur serba salah. Itulah kali pertama dan terakhir saya ponteng sekolah. Sangat Skema! hahaha.
Kali terakhir saya ke perpustakaan negara ialah pada tahun 2012. Sewaktu saya baharu ingin memulakan kajian penyelidikan peringkat sarjana (master) saya. Cadangan kajian saya ketika itu adalah berkisar aksara dan tulisan Jawi. Oleh itu, saya usahakan untuk dapatkan bacaaan dan bahan berbentuk buku memandangkan kandungan bahan berkaitan tulisan Jawi di dalam talian (internet) adalah sangat sedikit.
Ketika itu jugalah saya terserempak dengan editor Majalah Dewan Bahasa. Beliau menawarkan saya untuk menulis dalam column majalah kendalian beliau berkaitan Tulisan Jawi dan arus teknologi. Inilah kali pertama saya terbitkan penulisan rencana ilmiah di media umum.
Kini, selepas hampir 20 tahun saya kembali semula ke Perpustakaan Negara, bersama harapan adakah suasananya akan sama?
Apa yang saya dapat hanya kecewa.
Pintu utama dan banguanan utama tidak dibuka dan digunakan lagi untuk kegunaan umum. Saya jangka barangkali dalam proses penambahbaikan dan sejak pendamik Covid, mereka telah berpindah ke ruang bangunan lebih kecil untuk mudah tadbir dan memandangkan kunjungan orang ramai kian berkurang.
2024, tahun ini saya datang kerana ingin dapatkan semula keratan akhbar penulisan saya yang berjaya diterbitakan atas kapasiti penulisan akademik mengikut kepakaran (Teknologi Maklumat). Selepas mengikuti bengkel anjuran PSPK UPM, saya berjaya terbitkan dua artikel akhbar. Satu artikel terbitan tahun lepas dan satu lagi terbitan tahun ini. Semestinya ia merupakan pencapaian terbaik diri saya setakat ini untuk berkongsi pandangan kepada umum.
Seperti yang saya maklumkan, perpustakaan negara ada menyimpan arkib lama akhbar fizikal. Bagi akhbar yang sekitar tahun 2024 dan beberapa tahun kebelakang, mereka ada simpan dalam bentuk fizikal. Naik sahaja ke Aras 6 dan terdapat kaunter untuk kita berikan maklumat tarikh dan jenis akhbar yang ingin kita perolehi.
Bahan tersebut hanya dipinjamkan dan kemudian wajib dikembalikan semula dengan mengisi borang ambil-pulang yang disediakan pegawai. Saya kemudian ke aras 7 untuk buat salinan berwarna. Alhamdulillah. Saya berjaya simpan artikel berkenaan dalam bentuk yang telah terbit di akhbar. Bolehlah saya kumpul dan bingkaikan. Biar menjadi pencetus semangat untuk terus menulis!
Jika dibandingkan dengan senior-senior, apalah sangat dua artikel akhbar saya ini. Mereka lebih banyak terbitkan artikel sebegini. Namun, yang sering saya pelajari selama ini ialah untuk tidak membandingkan diri kita yang baru di Bab Satu buku dengan mereka yang sudah pun berada di Bab 10 buku. Juga, perlu saya selalu ingatkan diri, pesaing sebenar adalah diri kita. Untuk berjaya itu, adalah kita sendiri menjadi lebih baik dan semakin baik mendaki tangga kejayaan dan mencipta pencapaian-pencapaian yang terbaik dalam hidup kita. Yang paling pasti mereka semua adalah inspirasi!
Saya kongsikan beberapa gambar yang sempat saya ambil di Perpustakaan Negara tempoh hari. Berbagai perasaan dan perkara bermain di minda, adakah kerana arus teknologi dan digital telah “membasuh” terus pengunjung perpustakaan negara yang dahulu? Adakah buku fizikal sudah tidak reliven?.
Walaubagaimanapun, tidak dinafikan masih ada ibu bapa yang datang ke ruang bacaan kanak-kanak. Namun yang agak kecewa ialah kesunyian perpustakaan itu semakin sunyi dan hambar.
Adakah ini menjadikan indikator juga bahawa masyarakat kita sudah tidak gemar membaca? Atau adakah masyarakat sekarang lebih gemar santai di ruang seperti cafe hipster dengan gadget mahupun buku berbentuk fizikal? Adakah ini bermakna, perpustakaan perlu sediakan ruang sebegitu? dan adakah masyarakat telah beralih arah kepada bahan buku digital? adakah mereka lebih suka lihat content #TikTokBook berbanding membaca buku? Adakah buku digital dan buku audio atau pustaka digital lebih realistik dengan keadaan dan kehendak masyarakat sekarang?
Ya, begitulah sibuknya fikiran saya ketika saya sambil-sambil meneroka bangunan kecil bertingkat 12 yang menggantikan bangunan utama Perpustakaan Negara itu.
Hai semua, saya ingin kongsikan beberapa intipati penting yang dapat saya simpulkan dari kelas seminar yang telah saya sertai. Menerbitkan jurnal dalam pangkalan data terindeks seperti Scopus atau Web of Science secara percuma memerlukan strategi yang teliti. Berikut adalah beberapa tips yang boleh membantu:
Pilih Jurnal yang Relevan dan Terindeks Scopus/WoS. Semak jurnal yang tidak mengenakan yuran penerbitan. Terdapat juga jurnal yang ditaja oleh universiti atau organisasi yang tidak memerlukan bayaran penerbitan.
Gunakan pangkalan data rasmi seperti laman web Scopus atau WoS untuk mencari jurnal yang benar-benar relevan dengan bidang kajian yang dipilih. Pastikan bahawa jurnal masih pada talian di senarai terindeks dan bukan ‘predatory journal’.
Kenali Skop dan Panduan Jurnal Pengarang. Ikuti panduan penulis dengan teliti untuk memastikan bahawa format dan struktur manuskrip anda sesuai. Lakukan kajian kecil dan buang masa apabila kajian anda tidak sesuai dengan panduan mereka. Anda boleh pilih manuskrip yang lebih kurang kajian – yang telah diterbit oleh jurnal tersebut dan kemudian anda cuba ikut strukturnya.
Pastikan kajian anda sesuai dengan skop jurnal setiap jurnal mempunyai bidang kajian yang diterima. Ini meningkatkan peluang anda diterima.
Penulisan Manuskrip Berkualiti Tinggi. Pastikan kajian adalah asli dan memberi pengetahuan baru kepada bidang kajian, memudahkan penerimaan manuskrip. Manuskrip yang jelas dan tidak mempunyai kesalahan tatabahasa dan teknikal lebih mudah diterima. Lakukan sebanyak yang boleh penyuntingan dan semakan dalaman sebelum penghantaran. Gunakan tatabahasa dan perisian seperti Grammarly. Boleh juga hantar kepada proofreader seperti Proofreader by UK, Math Proofreader dan Proofreader Malaysia.
Proses semakan memerlukan masa. Sebaiknya, rancang dengan baik apabila menghantar manuskrip kerana semakan boleh mengambil masa beberapa bulan. Pastikan tarikh penghantaran anda sesuai dengan jadual tersebut.
Hindari menghantar ke banyak jurnal serentak. Kebanyakan jurnal tidak membenarkan penghantaran ke jurnal lain secara serentak, jadi penting untuk menghormati peraturan ini. Ia adalah melanggar etika jika anda bertindak menghantar serentak jurnal.
Berhati-hatilah dengan jurnal predatory yang meminta bayaran penerbitan tanpa menjalankan proses semakan yang teliti. Sentiasa semak kesahihan jurnal dengan memastikan mereka tersenarai dalam pangkalan data rasmi. Anda boleh rujuk penulisan saya yang terdahulu:
Walaupun kebanyakan jurnal akses terbuka mengenakan bayaran penerbitan, terdapat juga yang menawarkan penerbitan secara percuma. Anda boleh mencari jurnal-jurnal ini melalui laman web seperti Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Bagaimana cara untuk mengenalpasti jurnal percuma ?
Cara kenal pasti journal tersebut tawarankan Open Access (OA) atau Percuma, juga boleh dilakukan dengan access kepada pangkalan data seperti Scopus, Web of Science dan Elsevier Journal Finder. Kemudian pilih bidang yang anda inginkan. Kebanyakan journal OA ada dinyatakan Open Access atau icon lock. Jika tidak dinyatakan, maka journal tersebut ada menawarkan penerbitan secara percuma.
Semoga membantu!
* Semasa bengkel ini, pengajar menunjukkan kaedah pencarian jurnal percuma dalam database jurnal yang dinyatakan diatas. Bengkel yang sangat berbaloi untuk pelaburan ilmu.
Just a quick glance at some vivid memories from my undergraduate studies. There was a time when I did all the wrong things—yup! I was that student before.
The student who begins studying the day before Test 2 is busy with assignments from week 10 until week 14.
The student who is too “shy” to ask lecturer questions because she feels too scared to look dumb.
The one that sits in the library studying but spends most of the time on their phone… Let the time fly and regret later.
The one who passes the course but forgets everything they learned a week later.
The one that says, “This semester will be different,” but nothing changes.
It took me a while to figure out how to be a good student. But once I did, my grades and life improved. One of the main reasons for my improvement was a change in my study habits. Instead of simply passing tests, I studied to learn and understand.
Because if you understand something, you’ll remember it.
Here I share the strategies that will help you understand and remember what you study:
1.Ask What, Why, and How? Question everything: question your lecturer in class, question the material you read, and question yourself. By asking questions, your curiosity will force you to think deeply about a concept and analyse it. Then, it will lead and stimulate your brain to search for the answer. Currently, all information is just at the tips of your fingers. You can dig deeper and not only rely on the given material in your lecture. Be proactive!
2.Recall, recall, recall—there is no shortcut to digesting the information well. Constantly test yourself by doing practice questions and recalling answers. Repetition of this technique will help embed concepts and information in your mind. In this case, a night before the exam might not be enough for you to digest all the information. You need to strategize, chunk up your materials well, and be disciplined.
3.Take notes in your own words. Chat-GPT is currently the most popular application for students. However, did you realise that when you try to answer an exam question, you are stuck building your own words? You are blank? This is because you did not practice writing your own notes. Writing from your own understanding will force you to think about what you study in more depth. To write something complex in your own words requires a higher level of understanding.
4.Use mind-mapping– Using the bird-eye POV, draw a big picture of what you have learned. This technique helps you visually connect the main concepts of each topic and the entire subject as a whole. Learn from the first principles and build from there; each subject will have its own fundamental principles. Once you understand those core principles, you can relate new material to them, making it much easier to understand.
If you realign your purpose of studies, then you will feel how hungry your brain will be seeking more information and knowledge. All of the above strategies require a full swing of discipline and willpower. Study to understand, and you won’t forget what you study. It’s not too late to restart and recharge, even though this is your final year.
Try the best and do the best. Always remember to keep on practicing, practicing, and practicing. Practice NOT makes perfect. Nothing will be perfect. Yet, Practice makes improvement.
8 March till 9 March 2023 I am invited as a speaker to a community event under the UTCT KTGS grant. The audience was from Rumah PAKATs, a shelter for the abandon child due to HIV and also a shelter for the homeless. Through this event, the children which range between 9 years old to 17 years old were exposed to a digital marketing. They have their own product which is a Chocolates Cookies and we trained them a basic digital marketing and IT literate exposure.
The session for this first week of the event are more on theoretical input, next week which is 16 March they have to implement the theory and practice doing marketing and sell their goods during the PKATS Carnival.
Besides delivering inputs of digital marketing using Canva, which they need to create a posters, I am also involving in the technical part which preparing all the printed props such as banners, bunting, and posters. Also, packing for 15 participant files, preparing hampers and make sure the montage video is ready.
Alhamdulillah, the event went well even though I am not be able to attend the carnival due to my emergency problems. Remotely done and try my best commitment to my task rightly from the hospital (my mother admit to emergency red zone- high fever).
InsyaAllah till meet them again next upcoming event.
Time management is a crucial as a student to master it. The time goes by as a blink of eyes, the assignment, project and exercises keep in coming in the to do list- where none of it being strike off yet. The due date make you more pressure. Besides, you also have to jingling the studies with the curricular activities where also will affect the portion of your time. Things become worst when you intend to procrastinate or distract with social media or games while handling a lot of things in your plate. In the end, you became less focus.
A strory to share, when I was pursuing my doctorate studies a few years ago, I struggled with time management issues. It’s difficult to balance work and study. It’s different from my life on campus as a student; even though I’m involved in many programs as a top committee member, I can still manage my time well. When I reflect, it is because during my studies on campus, we did not get too distracted by gadgets and social media. During my bachelor when it is early year 2000, the social media not yet hype as now. The most distract is a computer game and Movie marathon CD’s.
I confess, the social media did effect my productivity and focus. They unintentionally stole my time. Trying to help myself, I start to searching for the solution in how to become more productive and manage my 24 hours a day effectively and keep the motivation and focus. Surprisingly, the solution to my procrastination problem and completing my work on time and happily involves a tomato and taking more.
Start your task, and then set the timer for 25 minutes. I use my phone instead of a tomato timer. breaks. In an effort to control my distractions and prevent both procrastination with a goldfish attention span and all-night study burnout, I discovered The Pomodoro Technique. This time management method, created in the 1980s by Francesco Cirillo, takes its name from the typical tomato-shaped kitchen timer.
The theory behind the system is that by breaking up your work and breaks into regular, brief intervals, you can prevent feeling overburdened by an impending task and also prevent burnout. Basics are as follows:
Start your task, and then set the timer for 25 minutes. I use my phone instead of a tomato timer.
If a diversion occurs, note it down on paper before getting back to your task.
Put a check mark on your paper when the buzzer goes off. You have finished one increment (also known as a pomodoro).
Allow yourself a five-minute break. You can check your thoughts for distractions, stretch, grab a cup of tea, and so on.
Take a thirty-minute break after four pomodoros.
Try it if you want to learn more about time management and how long a task will take to complete, as well as breaking down your workday into manageable tomato-sized bites. All the best!
I inspired by this sharing. In pandemic Covid, I usually search for “study with me” in Youtube. From the searching, I found this sharing. Have a look! ^^
When I brief my colleagues on POMI in a simple word, most of them will take it as a very “common” approach. Some of them claimed, “Yeah, we implement it in our class.”
“Stop a while and asking and answering question, we did it in our class”
“Ahaaa.. we did it, but we did not ‘brand it’ as like this approach “
I just smiled and nodded. Okay, it’s good because it is not something new, and hopefully we keep it that way so that our students do not “sleep,” burn out, or feel bored through our lectures.
What the difference my POMI with the common approach that they are mentioned?
It is well planned and structured for each lecture week
No lengthy-lectures – It is packed and solid deliverable
Creative Class Activities
Student are encourage to answer questions (I am using the Wheel of Names website to pick specific student)
A LOTs of questions and exercises
Before we go any further, let us have a brief introduction to POMI.
POM + I = = Pomodoro + Interactive
As I mentioned in my previous posting, POMI is inspired by a task management. The Pomodoro Technique chunks the time into 25 minutes of doing a task and a 5-minute break. Therefore, I am implementing this approach in my teaching and planning my lecture.
As students, we used to experience a lengthy, nonstop lecture for two hours. There is a time break; however, non-participating students make the class too boring, and the lack of class activity makes us feel like it is too much to absorb. Furthermore, particularly when the lecture notes are uninteresting and the lecturer simply reads the slides until the end of the class. Some lectures have a class activity, but only in the early weeks; from the middle of lecture week until the end, most of the class starts getting bored.
When I am a lecturer, I am experiencing the moment of the lecture where I intend to rush-finish the slides and skip activities and questions because they will consume time. When we conduct a lecture, we call out students to volunteer to answer questions, but there is no response. At the end, we give the answer. The interaction totally failed because we ran out of time to finish the slides for the week.
Reflecting from both points of view, I believe that a well structured teaching approach is needed. The learning outcomes have to be achieved through the topic outcomes, not just by finishing the slides. Besides, a lot of exercises and discussion through the answer help a lot with student understanding.
The e-learning tools help much in designing a fun learning class activity, and they are freely accessible in our LMS (Learning Management System), Putra Blast. A creative class activity makes the POMI learning environment more fun and interactive. Students are more engaged and actively participate, sharing their thoughts.
Therefore, POMI is not as simple as taking a break and lecturing. It is a well-structured framework, a well-planned activity and a well-designed teaching approach that can be customized to any learning outcome and course.
The following is a short presentation details out POMI approach:
Alhamdulillah, 15 June 22 marked as a year experience as an academician. Being an academician in a international reputative research university is very challenging. Besides teaching in innovative way, we have to contribute in research and engage with the community by knowledge transferring and also have a wide network with the industries. Jingling all those responsible is very tough however, I am always accept it as a challenge for me to keep growing in my career.
I am experiencing two semester of teaching. In 2021, the semester is conducted fully online. I am searching many materials related to improve the way of teaching and interact with the online environment. 2022, our country started the endemic phase for Covid 19 and we have a hybrid classroom session during the semester. Most of our local students are compulsory to attend the face to face class, meanwhile the international students were remotely join the lecture hybrid (online).
Therefore, I am experimenting the best way of teaching in hybrid classroom. It was very challenging, since there are two audience in different environment to entertain. Through the first experience conducting the online class, I came with my innovation in teaching which is call POMI.
The following is a part of POMI class activity which my chosen pedagogy used in teaching is an active learning. More about POMI will be shared in my next posting ^^
Active learning class activity, role play
Interactive Lecturing. The face to face and online student are interact with the quick quiz question via shared link in Google Slide during the learning session.